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ISO 10004: Customer satisfaction (Guidelines for monitoring and measuring)


ISO 10004 provides guidance for the definition and implementation of monitoring and measurement processes of customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is achieved through the identification of customer expectations, the analysis and collection of data on customer satisfaction, improvement and monitoring of customer satisfaction.

 Customer satisfaction is determined by the gap between the customer’s expectations and the customer’s perception of the product as delivered by the organization. To achieve customer satisfaction, the organization should first understand the customer’s expectations. It is important to make a distinction between the organization’s view of the quality of the delivered product and the customer’s perception of the delivered product, because it is the latter that governs the customer’s satisfaction.

Requirements of ISO 10004 document

In order to achieve Customer satisfaction the organization should:

Identify customer expectations

Gather customer satisfaction data

Analyze customer satisfaction data

Provide feedback for improvement of customer satisfaction

Monitor customer satisfaction on-going

Benefits of ISO 10004 Certification

ISO 10004 deals with defining and applying processes to monitor and measure customer satisfaction. It is implemented by any organization irrespective of its type, size or product produced. The focus of ISO 10004 is on customers external to the organization. The 10004 ISO provides organizations with the following further merits:

  • Customer retention
  • Brand reputation
  • Process efficiency
  • Increase sales and profitability
  • Obtain information on new expectation
  • Resolving complaints to the satisfaction of the complaints and the organization
  • Identify trends and therewith eliminate causes of complaints
  • Customer-focused approach to resolving complaints
  • Encourage personnel to improve their skills in working with customers
  • Basis for continual review and analysis

Which companies can use ISO 10004 certification?

The ISO 10004 is aimed at all organizations of all sizes and industries. Among the many benefits of implementing this standard we can list the resolution of complaints, customer satisfaction, customer oriented, personnel encouragement in improving relations with customers.

ISO 10004 is intended for use by organizations regardless of type, size or product provided. The focus of ISO 10004 is on customers external to the organization.

Last Word

ISO 10004 provides guidance in defining and implementing processes to monitor and measure customer satisfaction. Obtain information on new expectation, resolving complaints to the satisfaction of the complainant and the organization.

Generally, you can achive customer satisfaction using ISO 10004 guidance. Prove the importance of customer satisfaction with your services by receiving ISO 10004 certification. For this purpose, you can contact the experts of TUW Institute


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