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Introduction of ISO

About ISO?

ISO(International Organization for Standardization) is an independent, non-governmental membership organization and the world’s largest developer of voluntary International Standards.

What are standards?

International Standards make things work. They give world-class specifications for products, services and systems, to ensure quality, safety and efficiency. They are instrumental in facilitating international trade.

ISO has published more than 19500 International Standards covering almost every industry, from technology, to food safety, to agriculture and healthcare. ISO International Standards impact every one everywhere.

ISO Standards in Action

Learn about how International Standards work in the real world, and the benefits they bring to business, society and the environment.

  • Health
  • Sustainable Development
  • Food
  • Water
  • Cars
  • Climate change
  • Energy efficiency and renewables
  • Services

What are the benefits of ISO International Standards?

ISO International Standards ensure that products and services are safe, reliable and of good quality. For business, they are strategic tools that reduce costs by minimizing waste and errors and increasing productivity. They help companies to access new markets, level the playing field for developing countries and facilitate free and fair global trade.

Popular standards :

ISO 9000 – Quality management

Make sure your products and services meet customers’ needs with this family of standards.

ISO 3166 – Country codes

Avoid confusion when referring to countries and their subdivisions with this standard. 

ISO 14001 – Environmental management

Improve your environmental performance with this family of standards.

ISO 31000 – Risk management

Manage risks that could be negative for your company’s performance with this standard.

ISO 22000 -Food safety management

Inspire confidence in your food products with this family of standards.

ISO 639 – Language codes

Describe languages in an internationally accepted way with this standard.

ISO 27001 – Information security

Ensure your organization’s information is secure with this family of standards.   

ISO 4217 – Currency codes

Avoid confusion when referring to world currencies with this standard.

ISO 50001 – Energy management

Make energy savings and help make your organization more efficient with this standard.

ISO 20121 – Sustainable events

Manage the social, economic and environmental impacts of your event with this standard.


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